クォーク札幌店OPEN記念SALE 3.20 THU - 5.11 SUN

ロレックス エクスプローラーI(Ref.114270)オーナー 海外 T様
2018年09月 ご購入

ロレックス エクスプローラーI(Ref.114270)オーナー 海外 T様

Thank you so much for selling and getting a watch in Quark Ginza. Especially, I'm Thankful to Mr, Matsuda. Quark Ginza team knew Rolex very well, and they are here to be ready to help you.

クォーク スタッフからお客様へ

We appreciate you regarding the selling and purchasing the watch. It looks really nice on your hand. In fact, you prefer small size than the big size. I hope you are satisfied with the watch. The watch you purchased at this store has been really popular model since Explorer I was manufactured. Finally, regarding the cleaning, we offer the complimentary service which is cleaning your watch bracelet and case. Please stop by our store when you come to Tokyo next time. Look forward to seeing you.
Quark Ginza888 Store
» Ref.114270の在庫を見る
» ロレックス エクスプローラーI のWEBカタログへ

