909感謝祭 9.6 FRI - 9.29 SUN

ロレックス デイトジャスト(Ref.116234G)オーナー 海外 S様
2023年03月 ご購入

ロレックス デイトジャスト(Ref.116234G)オーナー 海外 S様

good service!!

クォーク スタッフからお客様へ

Thank you for your purchasing.
I am very happy that you buy the DATEJUST Ref.116234G in our Ueno Shop.
It looks really perfect on you and I hope you will enjoy it forever.
The black dial is very cool. I think it is a great choice.
If you have any problem, please feel free to contact us.
And I wish you will have a wonderful time in Japan.
I am looking forward to seeing you again.
Aoki, Quark Ueno Head Shop
» Ref.116234Gの在庫を見る
» ロレックス デイトジャスト のWEBカタログへ

