クォークラボ 名古屋大須店OPEN記念SALE 1.31 FRI - 3.16 SUN

ロレックス オイスター・パーペチュアル34(Ref.124200)オーナー 東京都 S様
2021年05月 ご購入

ロレックス オイスター・パーペチュアル34(Ref.124200)オーナー 東京都 S様

Thank you Yabukisan for the fantastic service with purchasing my watch. Appreciate the patience and for answering all my questions!

クォーク スタッフからお客様へ

Thank you for coming to this store and purchasing the watch. The blue dial of the 124300 is very beautiful. It looks really nice on you. I hope you are satisfied with the watch and my service. we offer the complimentary service which is cleaning your watch bracelet and case. Please stop by our store. Look forward to seeing you.
Quark Shinjuku Kenichi Yabuki
» Ref.124200の在庫を見る
» ロレックス OY.PP.34 のWEBカタログへ

