クォークラボ 名古屋大須店OPEN記念SALE 1.31 FRI - 3.16 SUN

ロレックス オイスター・パーペチュアル39(Ref.114300)オーナー 海外 A様
2020年10月 ご購入

ロレックス オイスター・パーペチュアル39(Ref.114300)オーナー 海外 A様

Thank you very much for sharing my experience on the Quark Shinjuku shop’s website.
I cannot thank you enough for your help to get this watch. As I already mentioned to you, I had contacted more than 10 shops both in Austria and in Japan. Only your shop can deliver the watch with a reasonable price. You also very attentive to answer questions and provide more information.
I am very happy with this purchase and will not hesitate to buy another Rolex watch from your shop.

クォーク スタッフからお客様へ

Dear A様
Thank you so much for choosing Quark and contacted us.
I was really happy to see you in person after through emails.
It is my honor that I can help got the watch you are looking for.
If you come to Japan next time please visit our shop.
We are looking forward to see you soon again.

Antony He
Quark Shinjuku
» Ref.114300の在庫を見る
» ロレックス OY.PP.39 のWEBカタログへ

